funny monday quotes || Best Monday Quotes That Are Both Hilarious and Motivational

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Funny monday quotes 

Funny Monday Quotes to Brighten Your Day.

Best Monday Quotes That Are Both Hilarious and Motivational


“Monday is for people
 with a mission.” 😂

funny monday quotes

“Mondays are the start of the
 work week which offer new 
beginnings 52 times a year!”

“Candy is nature’s way of 
making up for Mondays.”

“Every morning you have two choices:
 continue to sleep with 
your dreams or wake up & chase them.”


“Hey, I know it’s Monday.
 But it’s also a new day and
 a new week. And in that
 lies a new opportunity 
for something special to happen.”
Monday Quotes

“This has been such a 
Monday! I wish I stayed in bed, 
and I wish that yesterday had 
never happened.”

“So. Monday. We meet again.
 We will never be 
friends—but maybe we can move
 past our mutual enmity toward
 a more-positive partnership.”

“It's just another manic Monday. 
I wish it was Sunday. 'Cause that's 
my fun day. My I don't have 
to run day.”

Monday should be optional.

Good morning. Keep calm and 
pretend it’s not Monday.

Yay, Monday!” Said no one… Ever

This is the mondayest
 Monday that ever mondayed

 Monday: nothing a bit of
 shopping can’t fix.

May your coffee be strong 
and your Monday productive.

Maybe Monday doesn’t like you either.

 Dear Monday, my mama
 doesn’t like you and she likes everyone.

Monday I shall slay thee 
with me mighty cup of coffee.

Monday checklist: 
coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee.

 I hate mornings and Mondays.
 And working. But other 
than that I am entirely 

 It’s Monday but keep smiling.

Due to lack of interest.
 Monday has been canceled


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